goodbye to that complicated life...

I just think that maybe by leaving.. I will finally able to step out from that complicated world... my existence in ur world was nothing right? u just want me to be around when u need me... that when I need u... do u ever mind to ask? tell me do once in our time that u ever ask me am I doing fine? so u call urself bestfriend? well it's not me throwing u... it's u who ask me to leave... that's the fact that I want to make right before I leave... and like always... when I leave... I won't come back... well that's all for someone who don't know what appreciation mean...

       I can stay... but I bet u can't promise u won't hurt me like u always did 10 years ago... I'm human... I have feelings... that fact, it will never change... n I am happy with my life now... that I am sorry the reason wasn't u... guess this is not the fairy tales u holding on like before... I have a realistic life that I must carry on... a bunch of responsibilities that I must carry on my shoulder... I can no longer walk in the same fairy tales world of ur's...

       Sorry that real world come to take me... away from ur dream.. sorry that I have to leave that dream world where only u dreaming of being the princess that everyone must follow ur order... I am no longer that strong knight... not to a princess who didn't see me... u know why shadow live in the dark? so that when u thought u step on them, they actually higher than ur head... but I don't want the beast in me kill u... n I don't want the beast in u kill me... maybe... leaving would be the best choice...

       so live... happily even without me... coz I will do the same... that one day if u ever heard my name... I hope u don't see me as someone who leave u... but someone who need to leave because of u... someone who 'need' to leave...

ur thorn killing me ... cause the monster to grow... I won't let that monster grow again.. I bury her deep down to a place no one ever know.. she's dead to me... I won't let that monster hurts others like u did to me... no they don't deserve it... unlike u who let the beast kill everyone around u... I kill the beast first... that's our different... that took us far away... too farr...

I can still hear you making that sound
Taking me down, rolling on the ground
You can pretend that it was me
But no
I have lost a lot... that I can't lose others anymore just to have u... no...

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